Thursday, February 14, 2008

I can't believe it's only Thursday.

Fuck the fact that it's Valentine's Day. The problem with today is that it's Thursday. I am completely fucking exhausted. I am sitting here, rotting behind this computer again and my ass is growing roots into this chair. I sort remind myself of my horse's flaxseeds that spilled in my garage and started growing into a wet sock near the washer. I am the flaxseeds right now. Potty sent me a text message to WAKE UP. Then one of the old secretaries here said that my eyes look like they're behind held down by 200 lb weights. I wouldn't be surprised if trainwreck Potty walked over here to tell me he put roofies in my coffee as a joke to see if I would die. So while my heart is racing from the caffeine everything is slowing down around me. This is what I would imagine to be a really, really bad high. People are talking and I can't comprehend anything. I'll just sit here completely mum in hopes that no one will notice my presense. That would be great. So I guess I'll just keep rambling about nothing until I wake up... I guess I should say that I need to scan in this fucking amazing note that Potty wrote to me. Earlier he left this wonderful package of shit on my desk for me to file away or something with a note that had handwritten instructions with what to do with it. I IMed him on G-Talk and I'm like, HEY, YOU WRITE LIKE A 6 YEAR OLD CHILD. I AM GOING TO START TELLING PEOPLE I HAVE A 6 YEAR OLD SON. I must be training him well, because instead of getting completely offended like he normally does over everything I say, he wrote me a note.

It reads as follows:

1 Fish
2 Fish
Red Fish
Blue Fish

I may be 6 years old but I really am a lawyer. I date very hot girls that have defects, really awesome mental defects. But they all have legs that go on for days and when I get to the end they are spread wide open. I am really bored right now and I am suffering from a crippling anxiety disorder. I think I might kill myself if this day does not go by any faster.

Jackrabbits & Skeletons,

Potty Pee

This is true. He is a 6 year old lawyer. I still don't understand how he got through lawschool because he's ADD - worse than Dominick. Until meeting Potty, I though Dom was Mr. ADD. Now I know Dominick can do anything he wants in life. If Potty can, anyone can because Potty is a trainwreck who can barely keep it together for an entire work day. He should do what I do and be up all night and sleep walk through the day. At least when I'm having these vampiric episodes at work I am not preoccupied with all the shit that's going on around me. It's easy to tune people out and just do enough to make yourself look busy.

Speaking of which, I think I need to go in the back room and "find something" which means sleep on a stool for 15 minutes. I do this all the time.

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