Friday, February 6, 2009

The Nate Phenomenon.

I had a quick conversation with a friend of mine on Facebook chat. We were talking about our mutual friend Nate - and how basically when a girl says that she wants to meet Nate, 99.9% of the time it's because they've been cyberstalking him and want to sit on his pecker.

I can honestly say - every. single. friend. of. mine. over the years that has been SINGLE (even some that are not) and has had any sort of interaction with Nate, they suddenly feel like he's the man of their dreams and he's so amazing and blah blah blah. The dude doesn't even have to lift a finger. Or better yet, he doesn't even need to say anything. Or look. Or wink. Or smile. He can be in a terrible mood, ignoring the world and girls still swoon and wet their panties. It's like Nate has magical powers over women that should be studied in a laboratory. With like, anal probes and stuff.

Anyway, my question is - what gives? At any given point in time I have an AIM window open with someone asking me about Nate. Look, I love Nate. He's a great friend. Honestly? He's a pain in the ass. Why? Because he will do absolutely nothing for you. He probably won't even acknowledge you - and somehow make YOU completely insane - to the point where a straitjacket would be necessary. Then, LUCKY ME, *I* have to hear about it. So, either just stop - or please don't make me listen to it.

To follow that - here are some more pictures of him.

If you can figure out the obsession, or have theories on it, please let me know in my comments.

Oh, and P.S. - He does really awesome tattoos. So like, if you're a dude and not looking at him in a sexy way - Contact me and I'll help you get a hold of him. :)

1 comment:

Redlands C of C Youth said...

It's the confidence...and ego. Keep wetting those panties, Nate! well, not know what I mean!