Saturday, February 21, 2009


I am not a normal person by any means. When someone tells me to go to sleep so I can get better it almost makes me want to go play in the non-existent snow. So knowing that my source of sickness comes from Dom's house, I go to Dom's house to get better. Tonight I was was pinned down to the ground while kicking and screaming and funnel forced a Hot Toddy like a goose for foie gras. I think Dom's mom is going to harvest my liver after tonight. I am surprisingly able to walk and talk, all while being very drunk and non-as-coughy-as-before at the same time, if that makes any sense. Whatever it is, I can breathe better than I could a few hours ago and it all started with something hot and horrible tasting. It was followed by some black pills that smelled like shit and black currant and who knows what else after that point. All I know is that I'm playing with holistic fire and I'm hoping that I don't burn down my insides. I came home and z-packed myself (which - I'm not exactly sure if i should be drinking and antibioticing - but i don't care) so if I don't get better well then shit, I should be studied because I might have created my own hybrid strain of HIV/SARS.

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