Thursday, February 19, 2009

il supplemento.

It is pretty much a guarantee that every time I step into Dom's family's house, I will walk out with some sort of flesh eating bacteria or boiling the brain fever. I don't know how it's possible considering Dom's mom is not only a clean freak, but you can open any cupboard and I promise you that you will die from the tidal wave of vitamins and holistic products that will come crashing out all over the floor.

So, I have some weird bug. again. This is like the millionth and one time I've been sick this winter. I am going to blame my malfunctioning immune system on stress and anxiety. Fairly normal, right? At least I am not throwing up this time like what I got around New Years. That flu was gnar (24 hours straight of vomitose. AWESOME!)

Yesterday I went to the doctor and she gave me a Z-pack and cough syrup with codiene. I got like 108937019283109283091283 xanax pills too but that's for my 5 PLANES that I will be taking going to and from europe and the plane rides i will be taking from country to country since we don't have enough time to be dicking around on 20 hour train rides. ANYWAY. So Dom has been taking care of my sick ass which has been nice. He has been pumping me full of vitamins, tucking me into my WTF blanket, putting socks on my feet, rubbing my back, making me tea and making me food since I'm inept right now.

At some point last night I decided to be a smartie and OD myself on all my vitamins (I think it was 12 pills in total), cough syrup with codiene and my z-pack on an empty stomach. I'm not sure what happened, or why it happened, but shortly thereafter I started to get really fucking hot, i had anxiety attack after anxiety attack, closed eye hallucinations and my heart was racing. Poor Dom didn't sleep at all last night. He kept waking up and feeling my forehead, peeling off my clothing because i was too hot and then would change my shirts when I'd sweat in them, he kept taking my pulse and checking my temp all night. At one point he even went in the bathroom with me to pee because i was dizzy and he was worried, LOL. I bet if I would have told him I am too crippled to wipe he probably would have done that for me. My boyfriend > yours.

But let's talk about these closed eye hallucinations for a second. THIS WAS THE GNARLIEST EXPERIENCE OF MY LIFE. I kept closing my eyes and I was surrounded by Death. Literally, Death. Like - Death from The Simpsons and Family Guy. DEATH. Then I felt like I was going to Hell and there was fire and skulls and crossbones everywhere and blah blah. So if that's a forecast to the afterlife, I guess I'm screwed. I better learn to enjoy it now.

I woke up this morning feeling half back to normal. It's like the z-pack decided to attack everything in my system and KICK IT THE FUCK OUT last night when I thought I was on my way to Hell.

Anyway, my point is that I'm glad that I no longer have this excessive need to rip out my own lungs and scrub them with pinesol and clorox. My trip to Europe is 6 days away and I will be alllllllllllllllllllll bettttteeeerrrrrrrrrrr to take pictures of me humping and eating my way through Europe with Dom. Awesome!

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