Monday, March 8, 2010

I'm so ADD.

I hate linguistics. I really, really, really, REALLY, REALLLLYYYYY hate linguistics. I can read all my other readings for my other classes no problem, I can sit there and do math for days (and I hate math) --- but when it comes to this linguistics class, I swear it almost takes a gun being held to my head for me to get anything accomplished. I have 100+ pages of reading to do and I figure that because I have an A in this class thus far that I have the ability to slack off. Well, I guess I do, I'm pretty awesome to say the least - but I seriously hate just being in my room for hours and hours STARING at the same page and completely blanking out on it. If it were not for the fact that I drink red bull and/or coffee like there's no tomorrow, I would be asleep the moment I opened up the book. I fall asleep with my head in this book all the time. My pages are starting to curl and wrinkle from me drooling in it while I take a nap.

With that said, I think I'll go drink a red bull and attempt my reading again. fuck this.

1 comment:

Princess Pinche said...

Thanks Rana, I needed that. Actually, I shouldn't be complaining about linguistics because what you're doing scares the bejesus out of me! I'd say good luck to you, but you sure as heck don't need it, you're amazing!