Saturday, March 27, 2010

4:40 am?

Somehow I managed to avoid my research paper all night and work on math. I have a new found love for math and a new found hatred for research papers. I think it's because I'm supposed to be on spring break and instead I'm working on school shit when I'm supposed to be on break from it. I majorly disappointed myself when it came to my linguistics midterm. Granted I skipped two chapters of reading, skipped 10 questions on the test, had a whole weekend to study (my birthday weekend) and didn't crack open the book and still managed to pull a solid C almost a damn B on it. Thankfully my papers and other quizzes keep me afloat or else I would be totally compelled to commit suicide if there was nothing other than these horrible tests to be graded on. So, now at 4:40 in the morning after however many red bulls and cups of coffee throughout the day I finally feel awake. It's strange, really. I was passed out, completely dead asleep and squeezed between my two loves when suddenly my brain clicked on. Now I'm wide awake and WANTING to do work but prefer to lay here and blank out and ramble on my blog. I've missed my blog... I feel like I have time for nothing other than bitching about school work rather than actually doing my school work. I set aside a large amount of time to focus on school work and I always end up doing everything at the last minute. I just hope I don't drag on this research paper until the last minute. I know I always focus and do my best work last minute, but the point is I can't rely on my superpowers to work every single time. It's a matter of trucking along and getting it done. What I really want is a severe addiction to adderall so that I can become even more superhuman than I already am. Sadly I've never taken adderall but I know that I'd probably love it.

In travel news, I may or may not be going to Europe. I've had a bug up my ass to go to Peru for over a year now. I don't know why I'm so drawn to Peru - Cuzco/Machu Picchu and the Amazon Basin for the Floating Market. This must be the anthropologist in me. Anyway, Peru's also a short jump to Bolivia... To see Salar De Uyuni, something I've been dying to see for a long time now. So, dependent on who will come with me, I may be headed to South America to climb Machu Picchu and go through a 4 day expedition through Bolivia. Blake bought me a book on Peru for my birthday because he's awesome and I literally can't put it down. All I do is try to organize this trip in my mind and because of it I'm completely over Europe at the moment. I've been to Europe twice in the past year and a half... I mean, some people never go in their lifetime. I'm perfectly fine not going for a 3rd time in less than 2 years. I figure if I go to South America now (although it's winter, it's high season for Peru because it's dry season for hiking/climbing and seeing the Amazon), I can probably go to Europe in the fall... I'm also going to try to save so next summer I can travel through Asia for a month. All I know is that I've dedicated my life to school and travel and I'm driving my parents crazy. They're funding (most of) my travels because they want me to life they way I should have been living it so many years ago and they're the most supportive parents on the planet. So, in a way I'm glad they didn't buy my ticket for my birthday when they wanted to. I asked them to wait based on the fact I have friends saving up for a trip and I didn't want to fly alone again. 13 HOURS WORTH OF FLYING ALONE SUCKS... So dependent on who is coming with me, I may end up traveling through Peru, Bolivia and Chile. I'm almost positive my friend Jamie will be coming with me but I need to sit down with him and figure out dates when we can go. I will have everything planned by the end of April, but for now everything's up in the air. All I can honestly think about is my insane attraction to Machu Picchu and how drawn I am to South American culture and cuisine. Granted I won't complain if I end up back in Europe... I'll see different parts this time and also visit my family in Madrid. It's just up in the air, that's all.

Oh, and I'll be in Vegas next weekend. I hate Vegas but I'm going for one of my best girlfriend's birthday and she's never been. I figure everyone needs a Vegas experience at some point in their lives and I'm willing to be drunk with her for a weekend in Vegas. It's pretty sad because I literally am thinking of the money that will be spent while I'm there and I'm thinking of all the other shit I can do in another country with that money. People that SERIOUSLY enjoy Vegas are a complete waste space to me and I usually do not get along with said Vegas goers. I guess if you're able to wipe your ass with thousands of dollars then I guess Vegas can be fun. I don't know. I could never seriously waste money there. Ever. I'd rather be suffering through turbulence over the middle of the Atlantic and scared out of my mind than wasting money in Vegas. I guess when one loves their friends, one is able to unbitch themselves for a few days and enjoy it for what it is: a money pit filled with free drinks. I guess Vegas is also not conducive to my sobriety, but whatever. I don't have a problem just yet, so, fuck it.

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