Sunday, March 14, 2010

I want drugs.

This is the face of 3 hours of sleep, a hangover and mostly rubbed of mascara and eyeliner. I forgot to mention earlier that I followed up the aforementioned play with booze. I also keep passing out with my head on my keyboard. It's no longer funny. My linguistics class is going to be the death of me, I think. The material is fucking boring as Hell and if it were not for the fact that I write well I would probably be failing this class. I haven't missed a class. I haven't missed an assignment. I've done everything I've needed to do and I'm holding an A but I feel a mental breakdown coming because I literally hate being there and am struggling to read the material because I often have suicidal thoughts and eye-gouging fantasies while doing so. I officially understand why this class has a 50% drop rate and I will not add to that statistic. I'm going to be the little engine that could and be my normal awesome self but I probably should start sleeping more and putting in REAL effort rather than blanking out.

My parents bought this new couch a month ago or so that is really deep and comfortable... I'm pretty sure I died a few times while laying on it today. I literally begged my dad while in my sleep to make me coffee otherwise I was going to die of cardiac arrest because there wasn't enough caffeine in my system to keep me going. He brewed the coffee and then didn't bring it to me, so then my mom the awesome little barista fixed it up and brought it to me. I then guzzled it down, spaced out again and suddenly I had another cup of coffee in my face from my dad. After cup 2 I woke up and now here I am... Blogging.

I want a meth addiction. It might be easier for me to stay awake with one.

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