Thursday, April 29, 2010

Birds of a feather - flock together.

I figure that since I'm without my own computer until mine gets replaced next week, that I will attempt to post some semi-decent photos of myself that are from my camera phone. My blackberry is a piece of royal junk now that I've dropped it countless times and have spilled more alcohol on it than I ever should. I'm surprised it has lasted this long to be honest... But in the process of all the abuse it has taken on, I've really ruined the camera feature. The photos used to be pretty clear indoors but now they're nothing but a blurry mess. I hope for now these will suffice.

I'm not sure where I left off in my life - or not that any of my life is really important, but I think I left off somewhere around meeting a bunch of Aussies in different bands over the weekend at the Foundation Room. I made friends with someone in Birds of Tokyo over the weekend and me being in my music bubble I never heard of them before but I guess they're pretty big in Australia or whatever so that's why they were out here - to hopefully get the same following they have there. Anyway, my friend in the band guest listed me to the Expo at the Whisky. The show was absolutely incredible. Granted I've never heard of any of these bands but I will honestly say out of all the millions of shows I've been to, this was by far the absolute most entertaining show I've ever been to. Birds of Tokyo really reminds me of a mix of Dredg, old Muse and a bit of Radiohead... They're melodic, grungy, some heavy rifts mixed in with beautiful harmonies and the vocals are outstanding. I sincerely hope that anyone reading this blog takes the time to check them out. They played a song called "Broken Bones" that blew my mind. I loved it. So, please, check them out. There was also another band that played and I can't remember their name for the life of me but they were SO much fun. They were electroclashy - like a mix of The Faint and Daft Punk. Next time I speak to my friend I will ask him who they were and I will post them on here. I really, truly hope that these bands really make it out here. They're fantastic and deserve some major recognition.

Also, my good friend emailed me this picture of himself in Inked Magazine. I like how he tells me to CHECK OUT THE MAGAZINE AND BUY A COPY and then e-mails me with this two seconds later. Nerd. Anyway - to my female readers (I know a few of you exist!) please buy this magazine, cut out this article and plaster it on your wall. He's hot, I know. Do yourself a favor and put it up there. Anyway, congrats to him! He deserves it. :)

Finally, I know I normally don't talk about my work on here or anything - but for those of you that don't know - I absolutely love my job and probably would jump through a ring of fire for my bosses if they asked me to because I love them THAT much. Anyway - today was the DISCUSSION OF ALL DISCUSSIONS. We all yelled at one another today moreso than usual over some heavy topics, but at the same time, that's what we do best: debate each other. But somewhere in there my boss said that his wife's grandfather gave him some really solid advice on marriage before he passed... This was a man married for 72 years. He said that 1) his wife is always right and that 2) HOPE that you and your partner will not fall out of love at the same time... because there are always points in a relationship where one will need to carry the weight of the other - that one will need to bend over backwards to regain that love again. without that, all will be lost, and then there's no point in being with that person anymore. I don't know why but that really hit me. I think it's mostly because a lot of my relationship with my ex somewhat flashed before my eyes. I was with him for 6.5 years - and there were many times where I was madly in love with him and he wasn't with me and there was also many times where he was madly in love with me and I wasn't with him. It's true - he and I both bent over backwards for one another in many times over those 6.5 years. We both also fell out of love at the same time and neither one of us cared to fix it - so we let go. It was long overdue - and one can only play limbo so much before their back breaks - but it shined a light on something I had been looking at but never really saw until i saw the words come out of someone else's mouth. If and when I'm ready to get in a REAL relationship again... which, at the way my life is going, probably (hopefully) never, I'll always keep that in mind. Thankfully, I plan on being a psychotic maniac on my own for at least another 10 years. I've been thinking about creating a relationship-bucket for myself - of all the things I want to do by myself without having to discuss anything with anyone, without having to hold someone's hand or have my hand held, without needing to worry about anyone's feelings other than my own.

I think doing a like of coke off a hooker's ass is a good way to start my list. But I need suggestions. I'm open to them - and anything goes. Let's hear it.


ilovevc said...

I'm wary of tattoos. I'm glad you have none. Your body is much too nice for embellishment.

Why did your relationship end? Was the end so destructive that you have soured on relationships forever?

Are you enjoying being psychotic, as you say?

Crazy people don't cook so well, typically.

Princess Pinche said...

Thank you - but I actually have 3 tattoos. Granted they're all small (about the size of a quarter) and all well hidden - but I have them. In my defense, I hate them and got them all when I was 16 and underaged.

My relationship ended because I'm pretty sure we hated each other in the end. 6.5 years was way too long. I haven't soured on relationships forever. However, I haven't been single in over a decade. Previous to him, I had the same boyfriend all 4 years of high school. It's about time I have some PINCHE time.

I am enjoying being psychotic... I'm probably worse than you would think. Also, you're dead wrong. One of my good friends is a well known chef and he's completely crazy. ;) Crazy people are incredible cooks.