Friday, April 23, 2010

Really? I'm not me?

Someone wrote me an e-mail message yesterday saying "shut up, those pictures aren't of you." and I replied, "IF I WAS GOING TO STEAL PICTURES, IT WOULD BE OF A CHICK WITH A SIGNIFICANTLY BETTER BODY AND A WAY PRETTIER FACE." I should have interjected that they also wouldn't all be shitty webcam photos of me being a complete hermit in my room. But, whatever.

Look, I know I'm not terrible looking but for pete's sake, if I really wanted to steal someone's photos I'd have to seriously stalk someone to have the HUNDREDS of photos I have on here of myself since 2008 (or did I start this blog in 2007?) and really make up some insane story to NOT be me. I mean, I have links to my facebook, myspace and twitter on here. I'm pretty sure that if some of you readers took the time to add me on facebook (which some of you have - and THANK YOU for reading!), you guys would see that I am, indeed, a real person and I am just as absolutely crazy on my facebook as I am on my blog. The only difference between my blog and my facebook is that I somewhat filter myself to not offend all the babies on there, including some of my Bible-thumping family. However, my filter on there isn't THAT filtered. I really am me. I don't know why I'd lie about being a hermit, or being crazy or having the sleeping disorders I have or why I'd lie about writing papers that are the absolute death of me. But okay, if some of you out there want to continue thinking I'm some fake person then okay, sure, I'm fake. [insert eyeroll here]

Another e-mail I received was from someone saying that I look like I'm getting thinner and if I'm on drugs. Well, the answer is yes, I am getting thinner and yes, I'm technically on drugs if some of you consider caffeine a drug. I suppose the high volume of caffeine I intake on a daily basis could probably considered at speed levels. As for my weight loss - I'm down about 25-30 pounds since November and fitting into all of my old clothing from when I was thin. I was never heavy enough to the point where you'd look at me and go OMG THAT GIRL IS REALLY OVERWEIGHT but I was clearly on the chubby side. I had been thin for years and years and somewhere in my previous relationship I had let myself go mostly due to being stressed and frustrated all the time. Let me say that I've never been pin-thin. I have a very Cuban body and I was a gymnast for years, so I'm bottom heavy. Even at my thinnest I've always been this way. So, the last year or two, my skin was a mess, my body was a mess and I was mentally a bigger mess than I had been even when my house caught fire, or during my grandma's stroke or even during her cancer. Ever since I've rid myself of my greatest problem in life I've never been happier with myself. It's nice to NOT hear how big of an idiot I am, or how fat I am, or whatever superfluous adjectives you can insert next to my name that are in relation to being fat or dumb. The constant belittling and lack of respect and emotional abuse was enough to drive someone to the looney bin. Looking back, I wonder how I did it for so long and I should have walked from the first time I was disrespected and walked over. Well, I learned my lesson - and never again will I ever make myself a miserable fatass because someone is directly pulling me down. If I'm going to be a miserable bitch, it will be on MY terms!

So - my point is that after all that BS, I'm out 5 months later and regained my old personality - the strong Cubana that doesn't put up with shit and will never again. I have my old body back (well, pretty damn near close to it) and I'm happy. I live by Cartmen's motto: "Whateva, whateva, I do what I want!"

It's nice answering to no one other than myself and it will continue to be this way for a long time, despite who's sticking his dick in me. The rule is either you bow down to me or I do not need you. It's really that simple. Capiche? :)

Essentially what I'm trying to convey is that yes, I am me and yes, I have lost weight. I apologize for my rant but I guess sometimes I just need to let go and not worry about who's reading.


liquidcrow said...

Do I really have to bow down? Can't we just, get along? :D

Never put up with shit is a pretty solid statement. But you gotta be flexible about it. 90 percent of life, you will be treading on shit.
There's the small shit and then there's the big shit. You gotta be able to put up with some of the small shit, cause if you treat everything as one big shit, everything and everyone will feel like potential shitbags, even the ones/moments that could be an asset to your life. Just speaking from experience. I actually did end up goin nuts trying understand 'Whats with all the shit in this world'?

Ok enough about shit, lol.

Yummy lookin Cubana torso by the way. It's like art that you can eat and make thee om nom nom nom sound while eatin, lol. (That probably didn't make any sense)

People calling you out as a 'fake' or 'fat'are just provokin ya. All though some of you girls really do love gettin your buttons pushed.:)

Princess Pinche said...

No - you must bow down. I think that's my requirement of the male species from now on.

You're right about knowing the difference between the big shit and the little shit. I think I should have been a bit more clear -I will not put up with shit from men. Absolutely not. No way, no how. Never again. Thankfully no one has called me fat yet on this blog. At least not in recent posts. It was my ex that I was with for 6.5 years that spent the last 2-3 years telling me I was a fat ass. The fake thing I've gotten a few times... But there are a million references as to HOW TO FIND MY REAL LIFE on facebook or whatever on here... so if they're unwilling to do the research, then fine - continue to think I'm fake.

Thank you btw. I know that nomnomnom sound well - thank you. ;)

Mor Zaiderman said...

I'd bow down to you and be your man slave to stick it in. Be my Queen Pinche.

Princess Pinche said...

Haha, Mor, you always crack me up! How can I be your queen if I haven't seen you in years, eh?

Mor Zaiderman said...

Not all Queen Elizabeth's peons see her daily. BUT, they're very much in the vicinity ;)