Monday, April 19, 2010

[insert drug habit here]

Apparently posting pictures like this gets me readers. Well, I have my blog set on PAY ME mode so the more clicks I get, the more money I get. I WILL POST LOTS OF PICTURES LIKE THE ONE ABOVE, SO KEEP CLICKING SO I CAN GET PAID. What can I say, if I get paid to post pictures of myself and talk about myself, how could this be a bad thing? I'm egocentric - this is my kind of gig.

Today I received a package in the mail containing drugs in it. Not just any drugs - but the kind of drugs that I'm too cheap to get from my doctor that will guarantee me not sleeping (not that I do anyway), not eating and being extra studious. So, in an effort to celebrate the last of my eating I binged on artichoke all day. I know, you're totally thinking ARTICHOKE? THAT'S HEALTHY! Well, when you steam an artichoke and then dip each and every individual leaf in a creamy, roasted garlic aioli that artichoke no longer can be labeled healthy. When you later find yourself eating a bowl of artichoke hearts that are dancing on your tongue with bits of feta cheese in a heavy vinaigrette, those artichokes hearts gain a hefty amount of fat. My love affair with artichoke is really sick. I mean, really, it is. I find artichoke to arguably be the sexiest veggie on the planet. They're not phallic like cucumbers or zucchinis, so that's not it... I was thinking in terms of looking at the artichoke and tugging at each leaf when it's steamed, biting on the leaf and pulling the meat off... It's just sexy, dead sexy. What's worse is that every time I think of artichoke I think of a certain chef friend that has a tattoo of an artichoke on his stomach and I may or may not know the meaning of that artichoke. My point is that artichoke is absolutely amazing and that if you do not like artichoke, I don't know if I like you. /end rant


liquidcrow said...

Your blog is actually kinda interesting, to my surprise. :)

Anonymous said...

lots a girls seen that artichoke honey

Princess Pinche said...
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Princess Pinche said...

Dear Anonymous:

I can guarantee many girls have seen that artichoke. What's great is that I don't care if one girl - or a million girls - have seen it. So posting on here like a creepy stalker because clearly you've been hurt by him doesn't do you much good. The great thing about my relationship with him is that we're friends. We're actually friends that don't fuck. We're actually good enough friends to talk to each other about fucking other people and not fuck each other. So, if for some reason you honestly think I give a damn that other girls have see it, that's really sad. I wish him a new girl to see it every single day. I wish him nothing but incredible blowjobs and great sex from girls that are not me. :)