Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Sometimes slacking off is exactly what someone needs and that time is now for me. I've been in this euphoric zone lately, almost like I've become superwoman. I literally cranked out one Hell of an amazing paper in 2 hours today. Today was one of the few times I re-read my paper and actually felt really great about it. Granted it was an opinion piece, and I wrote it from a very, very, VERY left perspective knowing that's what my professor would want. I'm wondering what her comments will be. Probably "I want lick your [insert superfluous adjectives here] vagina" because I am clearly awesome. I've noticed that I've growing more and more intolerant of the idiots in my classroom. I feel as though I've earned my place in this class as the brainy bitch and lately when someone says something dumb I interject things I probably shouldn't but because my old lesbian professor wants to scissor me, I get away with it. Sometimes being me is fantastic.
For once, I've run out of things to say - mainly because i've exhausted all brain power i had for the day. nothing seems to compute at the moment. so, until next time...


liquidcrow said...

As hard as it may seem though, sometimes it really is necessary to let the idiots be idiots. You'll find yourself interjecting more and more due to ratio between idiots & people with common sense being clearly uneven.

Unless you are working in the science department or owning your own business where you can use your smarts to manipulate the sheeps to bow down to your bidding, dumbing down is necessary, If you want to work well with everyone else.

Also, If I was a lesbian, I would sooo scissor with you :D

Princess Pinche said...

I guess I don't want to dumb myself down. I honestly can't help myself when I say terrible things. My mouth is uncontrollable... I have a hard enough time trying to filter the cursing. :/

I'm glad to know if you had a vagina you'd scissor me. I'd have to say if you were a chick and I liked vagina, I'd probably scissor you, too.

Princess Pinche said...
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