Monday, May 3, 2010

Tumblers filled with pain.

This is the face of pain. This is the aftermath of red bull and vodka. This is the face that I don't want to see or feel again. This is living proof that red bull and vodka do not belong together - or at least not in my system.

Now that Josh moved out of Malibu and into Westlake, I can spent countless hours torturing him with my presence. We spent all of yesterday going to every single furniture store on the planet to furnish his new place. He needs everything - literally - everything. Somewhere along the line he has accumulated a ton of boxes yet the place still looks empty. Here's a picture of his "box monster" that he has created. To him, it's both his masterpiece and pet. I'd like to see it come alive, seek vengeance and eat him.

So after spending an entire day looking at furniture and finding nothing to suit his tastes aside from one really incredible lounge chair, we went to Whole Foods to get dinner ingredients. I made greek-style braised lamb shanks with fingerling potatoes - and of course to go with the greek theme I made my infamous fetabutter on crostinis with kalamatas. Dinner was divine.
Somewhere around dinner I decided to say FUCK YOU WINE and say FUCK YOU CLASSY DINNER and turn into a club whore and drink red bull and vodka while blasting Ruckus Roboticus. Now that Josh introduced me to Ruckus Roboticus, I have forever changed the way I feel about DJs. Anyway - the point is that I was up all night being a crazy drunk and babbling about nothing important to my knowledge. He wasn't mad at me this morning - at least no more than usual - so I wasn't that terrible I suppose. I remember waking up around 4 in the morning to pee and being completely disoriented, my heart racing and feeling like the grim reaper was following me. I literally felt like I fell into a vortex of death, complete with tombstones whirling around my head. I can't really explain how horrible I felt and I'm surprised I didn't vomit considering how close to death I really thought I was. I woke up in complete agony this morning and have essentially remained a vegetable all day. I tried to work out and somewhere while taking a break because of my dizziness I fell asleep with music blasting in my ears. I woke up to Britney Spears telling me she will not take me back after my world falls apart like shattered glass. Suffice it to say, I've been a complete mess all day.

Oh - and on another note - my new computer comes in tomorrow.


ilovevc said...

How man lifetimes do you plan to cram into this one that you are living? If past is any guide, you'll be doing this again very soon.

Your cooking looks divine.

Princess Pinche said...

As much as I hate cats, I'd like to think I have 9 lives. Maybe more. Maybe because I am me I come with an infinite amount of lives and only old age will kill me. You're right, I will be repeating my adventures with red bull and vodka in the future. I'll repent for now.

And thank you, btw. :)

ilovevc said...

I would love to be present the next time either event happens: either when the master chef is cooking or when the red bull & vodka demon escapes her cage.

What do you want to charge? Money? A limb? A soul?


Princess Pinche said...

The cooking is reserved for those that behave. The demon within me charges souls and souls only. Even devils need to eat.

ilovevc said...

So, when do we start the escrow process for the transfer of souls?

My soul is quite precious. At least, that's what my mom says.