Monday, May 17, 2010

I'm alive.

Who knew getting strep throat was such a pain in the ass? I've had it before but it never really got in the way of my entire life before this past week. My normal GET BLACK OUT DRUNK SATURDAY NIGHT came to a grinding halt because of this damn strep. I just laid in bed all night and complained. and complained. and complained. All I could do was think how big of a wimp I am for laying around complaining instead of drinking a margarita pitcher with some goat tacos as chasers. I almost feel like I'm using my strep as an excuse and that if I really were the superwoman that I claim to be that a) I would have not contracted this disease in the first place and b) nothing could prevent me from drinking. It turns out that I'm full of complete shit and I'm not superwoman.

In all that time I spent laying around my house and being a miserable bitch I managed to be useful and wash my dog. I'm 100% positive she hates me as I've been having to demand her to sleep with me at night. It's really strange having a dog genuinely pissed off with you. It's like, what do you do? You can't have a logical conversaion with the dog and sit her down and say, "Look, you smelled like you rolled in cat shit and it's been a while since your last bath. Sometims you need to suck it up and do what you need to do in order to stay healthy." And even if I were to do that I'd look like a totally crazy person in front of other people and she wouldn't understand. So, there's no talking to her. I tried the whole "love me again because i'm giving you treats" method and she's clearly using me. I gave her permission to bite my mom's dog and she's still pissed off. I can't have her just dwell on the fact that she got a bath. I just don't know how to reason with a dog. If coaxing doesn't work, reasoning doesn't work, there's nothing much I can do. Beating isn't an option, I'd rather beat humans. I even went so far as to try reverse psychology on her and told her to get the fuck off of my bed and sleep on the floor. Once again, I am a pussy and I caved in first and made her come back on the bed. I'm just hoping my dog stops being pissed off at me soon. I can't handle having MY OWN DOG mad at me. Not only is it really weird to have a dog mad at you, it's even weirder to try to get the dog to be happy with you again.

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