Saturday, June 5, 2010

What a bunch of cry babies.

Oh for fuck's sake. If I would have known my parents that stalk my blog would call me an antisemitic bitch and complain about what a terrible human I am about my kosher rant I probably would have clarified myself a bit better. I offered to wear a Star of David for a week but that only made matters worse.

Look, the reality is that I don't just hate Judaism. I hate ALL religion. The reason I chose Judaism to bitch about yesterday is because I believe in equal opportunity eating which means EAT EVERYTHING and rules for food declared by God are for the weak minded and anorexic. I THINK RELIGION IS A BUNCH OF SHIT AND IF THERE IS A GOD, HE WOULD NOT CHOOSE ONE GROUP OF BELIEVERS TO GO INTO HEAVEN AND EVERYONE ELSE IS GOING TO HELL. How is it that religion has NOT been transposed for political gain or for one to be seen as some sort of diacritical entity over the centuries? Just because religions are composed of lies in a sick and twisted game of telephone that has lasted entire too long means it must be true? The reality is that if you believe in religion you believe in something that cannot be proven to be true. If you're going to sit here and argue that it is true, then clearly you are the biggest moron on the face of the Earth because THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO WAY YOU CAN PROVE THAT GOD, OR THAT YOUR RELIGION, WHATEVER THAT MAY BE, IS TRUE AND CORRECT AND EVERYONE ELSE THAT ISN'T A PART OF YOUR CULT IS WRONG. The reality is that if there is a Heaven, and if there is a Hell, the good will go where they belong and the bad will go where they belong. I think I'm such a despicable person that I will not be accepted into Hell and if I am I will be given the title as the Devil's Sex Slave because the Devil would thoroughly enjoy me in every single way possible. In essence, I'm only saying that I hate all religion and I hate people who adhere to stupid rules about food that make no sense. That's all. So if you think I hate Jews more than I hate people of other religions, you're dead wrong. I hate everyone equally - and that's the bottom line.


havanamama59 said...

Great...I am not sure you are any less antisemitic now with your new post than you were with the old post. Erika, I think you are going to go to hell in a hand basket, do not stop at Go or anything like that. Too bad, I was hoping to enjoy eternal life with you somewhere in the heavens when that time came for each of us. :/

Princess Pinche said...

Mom, I love you - but you have raised a Devil child. It's possible that the Devil drugged you into thinking you were procreating with my father instead of him. Either way, I am practically the spawn of Satan and I'm totally okay with that.