Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I know I've been slacking on the updates. I should be revoked of all blogger-status I once had because I've been severely neglecting blogger world. I mean, it's not like I have a real purpose to this blog anyway. It's just me recording my life and occasionally I rant and rave about my thoughts that don't necessarily make sense. I've been so exhausted lately on so many levels that it's been hard for me to gather my thoughts to blog. It's not even 1 am and I'm struggling to stay awake. I used to suffer from extreme insomnia and now I'm going to bed regularly around midnight and waking up around 6 in the morning. It's weird to be like a normal person, with normal hours, with a normal life and without being caught up in my nutcase brain at 4 am when it has nothing to do other than fester in its own thoughts.

I suppose the reason why I am updating now is because I'm actually home, in my own bed and hanging out with my dog. I don't really spend a whole heck of a lot of time at home anymore. I guess that's sort of part of my BIG announcement, which once again I will not speak of in this post. I like the elusiveness of it all. Anyway, so I'm home tonight because I did muay thai earlier and opted to stay here. Now I can't seem to shut off my brain to sleep so here I am, half asleep, cranky, bloated, crampy and blogging. I'll end this post for now and continue some other day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not that you don't look amazing in all of your posted pictures - you do - but do you realize what the particular viewing angle of the photo in this post does to some of us guys? :-O

Yes, I know this will sound like a typical slobbering-guy thing to say. Your writing is oddly fascinating and is the reason I drop by once in awhile to read. But, at the same time, entirely immune to such sights I am not...

That's all. Just had to say that. Back to reading now.
