Friday, August 13, 2010


I'm so not used to having a boyfriend that plans shit with me. I mean, I'm really not. After a million fucking years with a fullblown asshole that had complete disregard for anything involving my feelings and who was the most selfish person on the planet, I'm in relationship-shock. I guess I got so used to being walked all over that even after being with Jamie for a while now I'm still not used to being with someone who makes me so happy. We plan our lives together, and everything we do is about us and what makes us both happy, no questions. He's literally everything I've ever wanted in a partner in crime and life. Bliss isn't even enough to really explain how great my life is these days. Often times I'll just sit and giggle because sometimes I don't think my life is real anymore. And if this isn't real, I don't want to wake up from it. To think a number of months ago I didn't want to be in a serious relationship ever again. I was on this quest to just do whatever the fuck I wanted and be happy on my own, and damn right I was... But I discovered that it's still possible to do whatever the fuck I want while having a boyfriend. The key is to find someone who wants to do all the things you want to do and then do them together. It makes life SO much better. I feel like everyone lonely bastard in the world should be jealous of me right now. :)
So the point of this post is that my boyfriend's birthday is coming up next month and we're trying to plan a trip for it. We were planning on going to Costa Rica at the end of this month, but with his grandfather passing and other family stuff going on, they're doing a memorial in central California when we were supposed to be in Costa Rica so we're planning something else now. We're both bummed but it's completely understandable, Jamie knew his grandfather was going to pass a few months ago so I guess he and his family have just been waiting for it, as sad as that sounds. I went to their family BBQ up at their ranch a few months ago when they thought he was going to pass within the week. I almost feel like it was selfish of us to plan a trip without knowing if his grandfather would be around or not. Plus, we just got back from Monterey so I mean it's not like we haven't done anything this month. Because of our work/school schedules it will be nearly impossible for us to take a lot of time off in September since I'm going back to Spain and France with my mom in November - and he has a wedding in Chile to attend shortly thereafter my trip to Europe and I want to go with him. He lived in Santiago twice and I remember speaking to him when he was down there and how much he loved it. He talks about Chile all the time and how much he misses it and I would like to see that city with him. So for planning his birthday trip, we're thinking somewhere in the Caribbean, Mexico or Hawaii. We've found some really great deals for the Mayan Riviera and since we both love Mayan history and culture, we will probably end up there. The only part I'm bummed about is that we always do things where there's humidity and my hair gets all frizzy-Jewy, so when we go to take pictures I look like a monster (like the ones posted above, when we were on the pier in Monterey). It's like the Jew within me stays hidden until there's humidity and then I look like complete crap. Sorry Jews, you guys are notorious for having terribly frizzy hair and since that shit's in my blood, I am no exception to that rule. THANK YOU, REALLY.
I guess that's it. When we reserve the trip I will be posting all about it. :)

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