Tuesday, August 3, 2010


I'm sick and cranky. I HATE BEING SICK AND CRANKY.

My boyfriend and I have somewhat made a weekly tradition of going to my favorite Mexican restaurant, so on Sunday we went to our Mexican place like we always do on the weekends then we went to see a movie and everything was peachy. Suddenly, 2 a.m. hits and I'm overwhelmed with nausea and I'm like OH NOES I AM GONNA VOMS. What's worse is that we were at his parents house and I have NO CLUE where anything is medicine wise and he sleeps like the dead so it was up to me to try to fix myself. NEEDLESS TO SAY I GOT NOTHING ACCOMPLISHED BUT FINDING MYSELF A BOTTLE OF WATER and I literally sat up all night in misery trying not to voms everywhere. I went home at like 6 in the morning, which I guess is a semi-normal time for me. I always wake up at 6 am, if not earlier these days, but because I had not slept a wink all night due to the voms feeling it was really difficult for me to drive a half mile home. Shit, normally I leave his house at the north end of the valley by 6:30 in the morning and drive home like 15-ish miles without a problem but geez, the half mile home drive was hell. I stayed home from work yesterday and laid around in fetal position all day. At some point I felt like I needed some sun and fell asleep sprawled out on a lawn chair and woke up two hours later drenched in my own sweat. I don't know what's wrong with me and one minute I thought it was food poisoning and now I think I have a bad cold of some sort but either way it sucks. I'm supposed to be going to work soon and all I can do is lay here on my couch with my dog and think about how much this feeling sucks. I haven't gone to muay thai training or jiu jitsu training since Thursday. Saturday we had the ceremony up in Santa Barbara so open mat wasn't an option and I hate this feeling of not training. The combination of not training + being sick + being cranky = wanna kill. Thankfully I wake up every morning to someone that adores me and wakes me up with kisses and tells me I'm beautiful, even in my most smeagol-like moments. He makes being sick not so bad. I woke up this morning being so wrapped up in his arms and the blankets that I was boiling and I'd rather feel hot when I'm sick than cold. cold always means I have a fever and NOT having a fever is a good thing right now.

I don't even know why i'm rambling at this point. i guess that's what sick people do.

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