Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Damn hippies.

The problem with having one of my bestfriends work at Follow Your Heart means I go there a lot to visit. The more I visit, the more I get to know the staff. The more I get to know the staff, the more I want to spend hours and hours sitting at the bar drinking coffee talking to people like they're friends from way back in the day. As it turns out, I'm drinking at least 4-9 cups on a regular visit and I'm a full blown insomniac again. The picture above is my face after a pot or two of coffee spread throughout the day, a dirty martini from the martini lounge (about 30 minutes after I left FYH to meet Josh, INSTANT headache - I can't follow caffeine with alcohol, but I can the other way around), two glasses of wine when I got home, another cup of coffee and 120 pages worth of articles, essays and interviews from 1880-1920 on political reform because honors classes are a fucking bitch. Now I cant sleep, my mind is racing and I'm a mess. Awesome. Oh well, at least my life is still fucking awesome.

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