Thursday, May 21, 2009

baby, you're so unusual.

I need new knees. Normally I'm not such a baby about pain because I happen to like some pain, but knee pain is something I do not like, I cannot deal with, and now simple over the counter medications do not seem to fix any discomfort I may have. Look, I'm not even at quarter life yet and my knees feel like they're old, rusty and approaching 80. I wish I could be like everyone else and smoke a joint and suddenly all my pain is gone. No, I have to the the only freak in the world that has to over analyze why I feel the way I do, then my knee pain hurts MORE. Then I sit there and grab my knees and rock myself to sleep. It's so much more fun to be stoned when nothing hurts, then I can sit there and fall into my mind of food and think of delicious things.

Look, I am getting muscular and in shape. I'm almost at the point where I'm in the best shape I've been in the last few years. Not the skinniest, but definitely in the best shape. I'm sick of crash dieting and looking like a crack whore. If I'm going to look like one, I might as well start doing crack and whoring around.

I've been nothing but energy lately and I'm constantly wanting to be OUTSIDE and doing something. It makes sitting at desk 3 days a week for 7 hours a day agonizing. It's torture, really. Truly. Seriously. Who really enjoys sitting all day anyway? Fat people? The point is that I cannot continue this path to awesomeness with hurting knees. I will cut them off and replace them with robot knees if i have to. If not, I will develop a serious drug habit like Dr. House. Just fair warning.

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