Monday, October 27, 2008


It's been a long time since I've updated. I don't even know where the Hell I left off, or why I even stopped blogging, but I do know that not much has happened other than I learned that I hate human contact and I'm sick of politics, especially when people say REALLY stupid things that for one, do not make any sense and secondly, could never happen under ANY administration, no matter what party. I also discovered that I love mac computers and the program PHOTOBOOTH even though it gives me a mega-Jennifer Aniston chin. Or maybe my chin really is that big and I never noticed until it was embossed in bright colors.

In good or bad news, however you decide to take it, I'm selling my horse. I've decided I don't want to be like certain people in my life that are in their late 20's and/or early 30's that live at home and are constantly broke and do absolutely nothing with their lives other than bitch how broke and miserable they are. I see myself headed in that path because I spent nearly my entire paychecks on my stupid horse and I'm over it. At least I'm sane enough to choose a clear path of NO MORE HORSEY DEBT by selling my horse. If you're reading this and wanting to buy my horse, she's priced in the mid-five figures so don't bother asking anything about her unless you have a good amount of cash to spend. With said cash I'm moving my fat ass and my dog's fat ass to a foreign country, living in a mud hut on the beach, spear fishing or hunting wild boar for my food and somehow will manage to mooch WIFI from someone.

I also want to open up a hole in the wall burger joint.
I want to have open competitions for lardy people to come in and participate in the Death Burger Challenge. Basically, it's you eat my burgers until you die and no, we will not call 9-1-1. That's the point. It's basically like a delicious suicide. I'm sure in today's economy people are looking for a way out. So instead of taking the lives of your family (*is reminded of that asshole in the valley that kills his family*), just kill yourself by drowning yourself in saturated fats. So anyway, meet Death Burger in the above picture. Actually, that's only the half-sized Death Burger. The full-sized is a grilled cheese sandwich, with more cheese, meat, meat, more meat, bacon slices, a huge pile of fritas (which are like hashbrowns), more meat, lots of homemade thousand island spread and another grilled cheese sandwich. It's probably somewhere around 3,000 calories at the very minimum. There are no vegetables in in other than the pickles in the thousand island dressing and the tomato used in the ketchup for the thousand island dressing. This is strictly a fat ass burger and should not give anyone a reason to eat it by saying there's at least vegetables in it... But I will make an exception to grilled onions but that's IT, only because they taste delicious and not for nutritional value because there really isn't any in grilled onions.

Well, since both assisted suicide by death burger and moving to a remote location where no one could find me is completely unattainable right now, I will be like the rest of the world and bitch and moan about everything that isn't handed to me on a silver platter.

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