Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Change: It's what you're willing to sacrifice for, right?

Sometimes I open this thing and I don't even know what the Hell I want to talk about, or even, if I should be writing anything at all. Then my mind goes off on some fucking tangent before I can even catch up to my first thought typed into this fucking thing, so then i'm stuck without a straight flow of thought and I feel moronic. This is when I should start to take ADD medication into consideration. It might do me some good. It might also curb my appetite and help me adopt anorexia which could be sorta cool, too. I've always wanted to look emaciated without actually starving, completely taking for granted the wide availability of food. I also want some slaves. Just thought I'd throw that out there if I'm talking about emaciation. You too can put two and two together. Smokey the bear says so.

With that said, I leave you with this lovely picture of a troll.

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