Saturday, July 25, 2009

You and me - we're two peas from the same pod, only to be torn apart and sold in different cans.

Sometimes an opening line on a blog can be really, really difficult. I just found myself sitting here at a pause. literally. like a 20 second pause, staring at that damn can picture and trying to figure out what the Hell to write. I opened this blog with certain things to write about, certain things to rant about, certain things to lie (or not) about.

Suddenly I start writing and every thought in my head I had literally disappeared. Imagine when you're at the beach and there's like 60 fucking seagulls and every time you see the flock of seagulls you need to run into them to see if maybe THIS will be the day where you either catch one or get close enough to touch one? Well, I am just that. I am chasing my own brain, for it only to break apart into a million seagulls and fly off into distance. I smile, I giggle - and then I realize that I am left with no seagulls to play with, I certainly didn't close enough to touch one and now I just looked like a damn fool running to them thinking I'd get one for once. I guess if I caught one I'd probably try to eat it because that's what I do with everything else.

I suppose the point I'm trying to make is that I am incapable of writing what I wanted to. It's probably because I'm either too deep in thought or because I'm not deep enough. You know sometimes when you're so deep into whatever you're thinking about you can't put it into words because no matter how you say it, or write it, it just doesn't make sense because they're just jumbled thoughts that are barely lucid in your own mind? Or maybe I am crazy. More than likely the latter, which is nothing surprising.

I should probably smoke a bowl, relax, get in my writing zone to get these thoughts out of my head but i will probably start having paranoia over my itching foot or i will have closed eye hallucinations of form interrogatories. the last thing i want to think about is lawyer work when i'm in la la writer's land.

i'll get back to this blog when i'm either really pissed off or just back to being plain ol' crazy.

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