Tuesday, December 2, 2008

What does your soul say?

A soul, by definition, is the separate and spiritual entity of the human body. One's soul is one's moral gravity. It is the courage in a person when one would normally cower. It is the pull and drive deep inside a person when one would normally give up. One's soul is what feels the roller coaster of emotions that hurts deep, deep in one's bones and deep in one's mind. It is laughter and it is tears. It is gut instinct and deja vu.

Souls are timeless, ageless and beautiful. They exist beyond the borders of life on this planet. A soul is unexplainable by science and treasured by fiction. Millions of theories with only one common denominator: existing only in creativity. Soulful food. Soulful music. Soulful dancing. Soulful singing. Soulful art. Soulful writing. Soulful acting. Love is soulful. Anything soulful just requires a person and passion. Passion is one's soul. Passion for the new and for the better.

Without souls we would all be completely humdrum without reason or explanation, lacking the drive to want to know why or how. Imagine life without a world of soulfulness. There would be lack of vibrancy, color and passion for life. Close your eyes and imagine the mundane. A world of simple shapes and simple colors, placid and meek but not humble. Walk ways of taupe on beige without that elegance and beautiful simplicity of a potted purple bougainvillea to greet you at the end. A world of drones and clones, emotionally monotonous, without a unique identity other than the physical, our mapped out, ever-so-predictable DNA.

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